
Discover Science through play

Copyright 2004  |   Friends of the Temecula Children's Museum   |   All rights reserved
 Pennypickles© and Pennypickle's Workshop© are located at 42081 Main Street, Temecula, California 92590
 951-308-6376 |

Professor Phineas T. Pennypickle has teamed up with his friend and esteemed colleague, Alan Rorie, PhD, to bring visitors the unique and innovative 


We extend our deepest gratitude to 


for their overwhelming support of
​Pennypickle's Workshop & the KIDS ONLY CLUB.

We are truly grateful for your help! xoxoxox

germs - A Loving Reminder!

​If you and/or your littles are coughing, sneezing, feeling sickish, or experiencing any symptoms of the yukky illnesses going around at this time of year, please reconsider your visit schedule and come to see us when you feel 100%.  Although we sanitize daily and use the half-hour between sessions to wipe down all vertical and horizontal surfaces with disinfectant, bringing in unnecessary germ activity (that's not part of a science experiment!)  is not fun when other guests - and our staff - get sick too. 

We know you are concerned and upset about the transmission of COVID and other germs and so are we, but science and common sense will prevail at Pennypickle's Workshop. Out of an abundance of caution we take extra steps to protect the health of our visitors and staff. We have stepped up our already-stringent cleaning and sanitizing procedures nightly and between sessions, we are offering hand sanitizer to all of our guests upon arrival and during their visit, and occasionally we will be including a fun new experiment to explain how the use of soap helps to repel nasty germs! During this challenging time, we want all of our visitors to know that they can enjoy Pennypickle’s Workshop with confidence.  

​We truly appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Stay well and we hope to see you soon!

thank you, thank you!!

stuff we need...

Pennypickle's Workshop offers the Everbright as a one-of-a-kind experience for kids of all ages - from toddler to adult - to explore their creativity by turning 464 rotating LED lights that provide endless possibilities of vivid color, geometry, and pattern.  

This exhibit was funded through the public-private partnership between the Friends of the Temecula Children’s Museum and the City of Temecula.

Spare change in your pocket or purse may be a nuisance to you, but to us it means a lot. Donations allow us to purchase experiment supplies and other items so that we can make your visit to Pennypickle's Workshop super fun and exciting!

Download our Volunteer Application here (PDF)

You can return it to us in person or mail to Pennypickle's Workshop, 42081 Main Street, Temecula CA 92590.

Interested in volunteering at Pennypickle's Workshop?

Oh yeah... we need Legos, too. TONS of them. We know it sounds weird, but we promise you'll think it's cool when we use them at one of our upcoming events. Trust us. You can deliver used pieces to the gift shop any time it's open. We don't care what the pieces are - anything is good. No sets needed, just pieces. Tons and tons of pieces.

check this out!

Have you seen the Professor's newest invention? He and Beaker have been working hard on the SATTA (Space And Time Travel Apparatus) and it's... well... AMAZING!

Don't miss it!